Style, please

Because when you look good, you feel good!
Me and my friends have this conversation quite often. We uplift each other with words and speak straight to each other's spirits but at the end of the conversation, we make sure to account for what we've done for ourselves!!
In an effort to maximize my self love efforts, I did a whole wardrobe do over. My closet was full of clothes that I either liked but never really wore, bought because one day I would be the right body size to fit in it, or I bought it because I wanted the courage to change my style but never actually went through with it. The end result of years of shopping was a closet full of things that weren't "ME". πŸ₯΄πŸ˜£πŸ˜ž πŸ§₯πŸ§¦πŸ‘—πŸ‘šπŸ‘™ Piece by piece, I changed that. When I bought a new shirt, I found an old one that had to go. If it didn't fit "ME" today, I got rid of it. I noticed that the clothes on my body felt increasing more comfortable as I increased my love for the "style" I'm in. 😍😍 Getting dressed is a must for me most days ((some days, comfort is all that matters, like today when I'm in yoga pants and a tank prepped for the yoga I did NOT do this morning πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)) because I know that if I start the day putting effort into my self, I remember my value throughout the day. I appreciate my value. I invested in my self from the very beginning of my day. It stems into the rest of my choices. I make conscious decisions to eat better, choose my words better, sleep better, laugh more, love more, live well!! It's a ripple effect on the rest of my day every time I start it by taking time to make sure I look as good as I feel and vice versa. I was faking it when the journey first began but day to day it becomes more true. More effortless. When you look good, you feel good and no matter how good I look, I always feel better than I look 😊😊


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