Feature Friday!!!

Yessssssss, It's Feature Friday and I figured I'd start with MYSELF!!! Believing in yourself and self promotion is an important part of self-love. If I don't believe in my abilities, how can I expect you to?!
My book "Shockwave" tells the story of Joy. Joy's just a young woman trying to rebuild her life after heartbreak, heartache, and disaster. She thought things were over between her and Thomas when she got tired of his dog ways but Joy got the shock of her life when she got pregnant.....after a miscarriage. Now living life as a single mother, Joy struggles to find herself while learning to love and trust again......it's my story and the story of many women. All the things we got through but no one EVER talks about. You're NOT ALONE!! I've been through it too && if I haven't, I'm sure ik someone who has. #Letstalkaboutit #readaboutit #writeaboutit
Dont forget to check out my next book. "Interstellar" dropping July 2019. We've heard Joy's side of the story......what does Lisa have to say about everything? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B06XDXZQJN/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dpID=51HDwp7A0WL&sr=1-1&ie=UTF8&refinements=p_n_publication_date%3A1250226011&keywords=shockwave&qid=1488773558&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&dpPl=1&ref=plSrch


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