
Showing posts from May, 2020

Queen Lee

The act of being fit for a queen. The Queen. The most important player one the team. Taking hits to protect the kingdom. Moving in every direction. Setting of in any path she wants. Claiming her birthright. Making sure all is right. The act of being fit for a queen. Queenly. Queen Lee

Pandemic reflections

I sit around thinking allllllll day long about the things I'd like to do. Listing them out like the very OCD individual that I am. Write Read Clean Posts pics Take pics  Quality time with my family  Homeschool  Eat Sleep Sleep being the most optional one 🥴🥴.....but of course I am getting enough sleep to function.....and quality time pauses my writing. Take this blog post for instance....I'm already on my 3rd "break" from writing to help my darling boy with things, like hugs and kisses or just to sit with him 😊😊.  I came into this "quarantine" with the thought that I would be super productive and accomplish......🕝🕑🕜🕣okay, I'm back. Only took a 5 hour "break" 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ As I was saying. Thought I would be super productive and accomplish everything on my list and more. In all honesty, I've only now been able to get a handle on things. Even though it's been a dream of mine, homeschooling out of the blue kicke...


Early morning antics give me time to sit back and look at this ball of light that I've created. Energy moving soo fast that the time past. I'm wondering where it all went. My memories flood back. I remember that it went to the winter, and the fall, and the spring, and the summer before that. The one where I taught you how to act and walk and talk. I watched you smile and sleep. Now you're out here teaching me about the shapes, the colors, the stars and the moon. How to soar. How to just be more. How to stand tall in my purpose, even when I'm a little nervous. I love you more than you could imagine. The greatest being that ever happened. Every day with you is special. Every day takes the cake. Every day feels like Mother's Day!!! 🌻💙🌻